Antitrust and Economic Regulation

Our team stands out in the market for the combination of our expertise in Competition and Antitrust and Economic Regulation, with relevant experience in both contentious and non-contentious matters.

From a transactional view, we specialize in merger control, working closely with the teams responsible for transactions, to analyze compliance with regulatory requirements, potential anticompetitive risks, and the strategic support necessary to address these processes.

In litigation matters, we have been involved in cases related to collusion, abuse of dominant position, and compliance with measures before the Competition Defense Tribunal and the Supreme Court, as well as in consultation procedures before these courts.

Additionally, we provide strategic advice on administrative investigations by the National Economic Prosecutor's Office and processes to obtain the benefit of leniency.

On a preventive basis, we offer general competition advice to support the proper competitive development of clients in various industries, and we design, evaluate, or update compliance programs in this regard to prevent risks and penalties for our clients.

Regarding Economic Regulation, we provide preventive advice on regulatory compliance in various industries subject to economic regulation, representation before sectoral regulators or panels, support in public tenders, bids, or tariff processes, as well as strategic advice in the formulation of public policies.

Finally, we have relevant experience in consumer protection and unfair competition matters.